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What Food Increases Cb Dmg Mhw

by amamophvio1982 2021. 1. 17.

Last updated on October 21st, 2018

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Monster Hunter World (MHW) features 14 different weapon types, with the Charge Blade being one of them. In this Guide we’ll take a look at exactly how to use this Weapon to its fullest, as well as show you some things you may not know about it. If you’re new to the game or you are a veteran of the franchise and just need a quick refresher, this Guide is for you.


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Charge Blade Guide

The Charge Blade is a fun, but more complicated weapon than any other is in Monster Hunter: World, and as such isn’t recommended to beginners. However, it is not as overwhelming as one would think and a little practice goes a long way. Players wielding this weapon will use their sword and shield attacks to charge energy into their Phials, which they can then unleash via the Axe form of this weapon to devastating results. You can also energize your Shield with those Phials, and by extension your Sword. Timing plays a big part in the competence with this weapon, and it rewards precision over blind aggression.

  • Difficulty: Advanced
  • Role: DPS/Tank
  • Mobility: Good
  • Sharpness: Below Average

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Basic Combos

  • The first combo is + , , which does a lunge, upward slash followed by a Spinning Slash. This combo is a a great way to engage a monster and begin combat, with the last attack blocking attacks as you deal damage.
  • The next combo is Hold , + . This is a Charged Double Slash that slices twice which you follow up with a Shield Thrust. This combo is a great way to charge Phials as it builds up energy much quicker than most combos, but must be timed.
  • Pressing + again after a Shield Thrust will initiate an Element Discharge if you have stored Phials.

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Some useful combos for the Charge Blade. I’ve actually never tried the second one…

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Special Attacks and Things of Interest

  • Mid combo if you press move any direction while pressing you will do a Sliding Slash that has great maneuverability and has a pretty sweet animation. Use this when you need to move out of the way or to get you closer to your target if they moved away.
  • + will charge your Phials if your Charge Gauge is yellow or red. This will allow you to do Phial damage and unleash powerful attacks such as Element Discharge.

Pressing R2 + O when your Gauge is yellow or red will store phials. Yellow gives you less than red, so aim for red if you can.

  • Pressing + will do a Morph Slash which will change your weapon into Axe form and strike the target in one fluid movement. You will become familiar with this fairly quickly as you will do most of your damage in this form. The beginning of this attack can Block if timed properly.
  • is Block, which does Phial damage if you charged your Shield, but does use some of the Sharpness of the weapon. The Charge Blade has a very good Block compared to most other weapons, so don’t be afraid to use it.
  • Pressing while in Axe form will produce an Element Discharge which uses one Phial and deals excellent damage against your target. However, this attacks has a lengthy wind-up so be sure to time it properly.

Pressing O when you’re in Axe form will do this attack (Element Discharge). This is your bread and butter high damage attack and one you will get very familiar with. As long as you are able to perform this then you will be ok until you learn advanced concepts.

  • Press + while in Axe form to perform an Amped Element Discharge which will deal massive damage. Try to use this when monsters are down as they can’t move out of the way or disrupt you. Performing this move when your Shield is charged will consume all your Phials, otherwise it consumes just one.
  • During Amped Element Discharge (which has a long wind-up) press to transfer your stored Phials into your Shield instead (you must have 5 Phials stored to do this). This will make your Shield glow red, making your Blocks deal damage should you be struck. This red Shield will turn Amped Element Discharge into Super Amped Element Discharge, which does increased damage, but will drain all of your Phials.
  • You can cancel a Super Amped Element Discharge into a Element Discharge by holding and pressing .
  • If you press + while holding when your Shield is red, you will do a Condensed Element Slash that will enhance your sword attacks for a period of time with your Phial effects.

Final Tips


When blocking an attack, the guard reaction can be chained into a Morph Slash, an Axe: Amped Element Discharge, or various other attacks. So don’t just stand there when Blocking, react appropriately after a successful guard.

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Attacks with a Charge Blade are harder to deflect when its Phial effects are active, which is useful when targeting tough body parts. Keep that in mind and save your Phials for those parts if needed.

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Condensed Element Slash and Charged Double Slash both have timing involved that increases or reduces their effectiveness, so be sure to practice these so as to be proficient with them. It doesn’t take that long to do, but can be hard to get perfect with monsters wreaking havoc.

Charged Double Slash and Condensed Element Slash both have timing you must learn in order to get maximum efficiency.

Bf1 gun to plane dmg 2. The best Charge Blade Hunters will learn the frames where their attacks can Block incoming attacks, minimizing the damage they take while still keeping their damage high. Veigar tanky high dmg build. Practice those moves that have Blocking frames (listed above) and get to know them better.

Lastly, this weapon does extremely good damage even if you are only somewhat proficient with it, so you don’t have to be an uber elite god to use it. I recommend just “charging” into combat with it and getting a feel for it before you sit down and really work out all the combos to see if you like it (after reading this guide of course).

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Be sure to check out our other Weapon and Monster Guides for all your needs and if you have specific questions be sure to check out the Monster Hunter World Wiki. Good Luck Hunters! May the furs be with you!